Hand-Tufted Wool Rugs

Customisable hand-tufted wool rugs by rug couture

Our customisable hand-tufted check rugs provide a high quality look within a short timeframe. All designs are fully customisable - edit colours and choose your size, shape and select required pile depth. All designs made in pure wool or New Zealand wool.

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Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671680 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481618 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638103 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481291 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481535 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638013 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671696 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671709 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481400 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481569 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638161 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671378 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638117 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481572 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671445 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481649 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638264 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671600 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481295 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638190 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481350 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481451 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671653 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671460 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638196 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638193 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671681 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671386 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671528 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481443 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481638 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638170 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481389 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638209 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671470 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481320 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1126702 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638246 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671514 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638259 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481584 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637974 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481461 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481520 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671508 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637966 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481566 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637973 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481404 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671606 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1023954 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671515 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638254 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671370 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671691 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481338 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481457 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671678 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671701 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638039 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481554 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638100 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481465 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 1127780 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671697 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671590 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671630 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671511 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671530 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481561 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671688 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638134 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481318 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638257 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637978 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638051 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481312 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637999 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671472 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671407 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671703 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481524 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671618 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481519 from £210 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637929 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481516 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671610 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671634 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638088 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481439 from £210 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481538 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671423 from £204 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481628 from £210 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 901129 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638166 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637953 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671400 from £204 m²
Plaid Rug ID 900032 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671523 from £204 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671582 from £204 m²
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